Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Travel: Newark

After 3.5 hours of work, 5 hours of travel (driving up the NJ turnpike was a huge chunk of that), dinner, working out at the hotel gym, online project management training and writing some design documentation whilst listening to a recorded sermon from Frontline (McClean Bible Church) in the room it seems the day has finally drawn to a close.

Now I'm laying down, typing this entry and looking out a window where the combination of city lights and the movement of the airplanes on the runways tells me that the world out there has no idea whatsoever that it is time to go to bed. Sometimes I get the impression that the world can be a bit too relentless for its own good.

In the hustle and bustle of all of this alone and surrounded by strangers from all over the place (mostly business people it seems, last generation) I have made a few observations, like Jane Goodall in the wild with the gorillas and chimps.

Assumption #1 - the majority of people may in fact have a stronger "need" for constant entertainment then I had imagined possible. In the gym at home and there, I noticed that some people cannot get anything unpleasant done without some sort of LCD panel or tube in their face. Don't get me wrong, I use music to get in "the zone"... but staring at the "news special" about brutal rapes and murders on msnbc (don't get me started on how sick and twisted they can be sometimes, peddling human pain for sponsorship...) just because it's on the box? No wonder the media has so much of a stranglehold on the worldviews. And that my friends, is why I do not have tv service. ... Or maybe I'm the masochist neopuritain and everyone else is normal... I might buy that for a dollar.

Assumption #2 - If everyone is as important as they appear to think they are... Well I shudder to think...

Assumption #3 - The world is in dire need of Christ. Well okay, not an assumption really.

Well I'm done ranting and raving about how messed up some things are (for now) and I'm going to sleep now!

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