Monday, July 23, 2007

New Things Coming Soon!

Sorry I don't have enough time to write a proper log entry, but many awesome things and changes have happened in my life lately. So will try to store as many of them in my head until I get a chance to write them all down! Expect another entry soon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Travel: Newark

After 3.5 hours of work, 5 hours of travel (driving up the NJ turnpike was a huge chunk of that), dinner, working out at the hotel gym, online project management training and writing some design documentation whilst listening to a recorded sermon from Frontline (McClean Bible Church) in the room it seems the day has finally drawn to a close.

Now I'm laying down, typing this entry and looking out a window where the combination of city lights and the movement of the airplanes on the runways tells me that the world out there has no idea whatsoever that it is time to go to bed. Sometimes I get the impression that the world can be a bit too relentless for its own good.

In the hustle and bustle of all of this alone and surrounded by strangers from all over the place (mostly business people it seems, last generation) I have made a few observations, like Jane Goodall in the wild with the gorillas and chimps.

Assumption #1 - the majority of people may in fact have a stronger "need" for constant entertainment then I had imagined possible. In the gym at home and there, I noticed that some people cannot get anything unpleasant done without some sort of LCD panel or tube in their face. Don't get me wrong, I use music to get in "the zone"... but staring at the "news special" about brutal rapes and murders on msnbc (don't get me started on how sick and twisted they can be sometimes, peddling human pain for sponsorship...) just because it's on the box? No wonder the media has so much of a stranglehold on the worldviews. And that my friends, is why I do not have tv service. ... Or maybe I'm the masochist neopuritain and everyone else is normal... I might buy that for a dollar.

Assumption #2 - If everyone is as important as they appear to think they are... Well I shudder to think...

Assumption #3 - The world is in dire need of Christ. Well okay, not an assumption really.

Well I'm done ranting and raving about how messed up some things are (for now) and I'm going to sleep now!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Start of Something New

It would be a gross understatement for me to say that all things are working together for good in my life. Things are going very, very wonderfully.

At the end of my workday, I received a phone call about a small meeting at the church. The meeting's purpose was to talk about the plan for an upcoming venture for the college/young singles ministry to get more active in regards to reaching out to the students at the UMW campus. I had heard some words here and there, kicking around about such a thing happening, but it was not until tonight, when I had finally met with the other members of the group of leaders for this, that the excitement that I have been lacking for so long about serving the Lord had returned in full force. My role in this (which should be no great surprise to those who know me well, or who have in the past) will be to lead the music.

Don't get me wrong, I was very excited when I was given the opportunity to lead music two weeks ago and forward for "Threads", but it this new effort will be a more challenging as well as a strategic effort that will demand much more of me than I have given in a long time. I also will have the opportunity to work in a group of 4 people who will be commited to this effort in different ways, and I am already seeing that we may in fact have a perfect mix of sensibilities and talents that will make all of this possible.

Another thing that gets me excited about this whole ordeal is that I am not doing the music alone, as I have done for my last couple of "gigs" in the church, but instead I will have help in the assembling of a band (which I very so desperately need, rallying volunteers is not my strongsuit) to lead the music alongside of myself. I don't think I have had such an arrangement since I was leading the praise band for the high school kids with the help of the immense talents of Jonathan Satterwhite and Aaron and Jesse Stone.

Well it seems like the whirlyness of the dryer is nigh on coming to a halt, which will allow me to pack a few days' changes of clothes for my business related trek up to Newark, NJ (sorry if anyone who is reading this is from there, but I am not very fond of the place). I will be back by Friday evening if all goes well.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

First post in the new blog on the new Blackberry! Now I can have something important looking to do whilst I wait for flying machines in the aeroportatoriums.

(Meh. I'm not trying to join the important looking people club really... Most of them are incompetent anyhow.)

But anyhow, to the purpose of this log: to recount bits and pieces of my life and record my thoughts in regards to them...

Today was a good day. First thing always for me is church on Sunday, which I have enjoyed as long as I can remember, even through some of the most antisocial phases of my life, but this Sunday's church experience was even more enjoyable than the norm. Starting things off, I have a friend who was Baptized at the beginning of the worship service, and then (less importantly in the grand scheme, but still noteworthy) toward the end of sunday school I had a chance to talk to a female friend I hadn't spoke to in ages who has grown to be extremely beautiful though the start of her college years (she was always cute, but now she's fairly gorgeous!).

Now of course this is yet another instance of Joey "checking out" someone in the "four years younger than me" club, but at 24, I think the year gap has moved its way into acceptability, which is advantageous to myself because I look about 4 years younger than I am (a blessing later, I suppose, but a curse now) which does not "work" for me (I look more like a college kid than a tech professional) on my quest to meet the special person that God has prepared for me (and I for them).

All lack of an active lovelife aside, I went to my old hangout, Borders, and my new hangout... the place where the other geeks will never find me... The gym! And the gym is always good. (because of that and Taekwondo I have lost 27 lbs!)

So yes a good day and a long first post. Now its time to study the inside of my eyelids after a quick game of brain age.

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